In the Settings tab you may configure access management, two-factor authentication, timezone options, and licensing.
You may also configure global settings relating to update management, global filters, and SMTP settings for alerting.
Company Settings
Company ID
This ID represents your particular instance of the Control Center. Refer to this ID when setting up runners to connect to your console.
Allow Administrator Login Only With Confirmed Email
If checked, only allow administrators with confirmed emails to log in.
Use Two-Factor Password Authorization
Turn Off/On two-factor authentication.
Enroll duration for devices _ Days (0-never)
Auto Logout after Idle
Configure auto logout time in hours.
Company PIN
A Company PIN can be set to act as a white list for newly installed runners. If a Company PIN is set, and an installed runner does not use the /cc-copin flag with the correct PIN during installation, it will not connect to the Control Center.
Personal Settings/Console Settings
Locale Options
Configure Date/Time formatting for job run display.
TimeZone Options
Specify your timezone settings for the job run display.
Dashboard. Long Time No Runs Default Period
If a scheduled job does not run in this many days for any reason, create a notification in the Dashboard under "Long Time No Runs".
Additional licenses may also be purchased for your Control Center by clicking "Buy More".
A record of all administrator sessions is logged for reference and auditing purposes. This record contains information including administrator username, IP, browser type, operating system, and more.
A session may also be revoked for an administrator at any time by clicking the "X" icon by the desired administrator session.
Global Runner Options
Program Options allow you to configure global settings relating to update management, global filters, and SMTP settings for alerting.
The General tab contains options regarding automatic updates, parallel job runs, and log retention.
Auto Install new version when found
Automatically update current installations when new versions are available.
Updates are performed silently over secured HTTPS.
Auto Jobs to run in parallel max:
Maximum number of jobs to be run in parallel by a single runner. If the jobs share the same source and/or destination, these will process sequentially (regardless of parallel max).
Auto Jobs quant:
All jobs get reviewed every this many seconds to determine which automatic jobs are ready to run.
Keep File History for months (12 by default)
After Analyze, GoodSync stores a history of file changes in it's state file to replicate appropriate changes accordingly.
If Sync does not occur within the specified number of months, file change history is forgotten.
Retain logs for this many days (7 by default)
Number of days for which runner logs are retained on client machines.
Log files that are older than the specified number of days are deleted.
0 days means retain logs for 2 hours.
The Filters tab allows you to configure global filters that will apply to all job runs. Any exclusions or inclusions placed here will affect jobs on a global level.
For details regarding syntax and how to create specific filters, click here.
The Connection tab allows you to configure your proxy settings and SMTP options for email alerting and notifications.
Use WinInet proxy (the one used by Internet Explorer) (checked by default)
If checked then use the same proxy server as the one that Internet Explorer and WinINET use.
Use Custom Proxy Server (unchecked by default)
If checked then use the proxy server specified.
SMTP Server and Port (empty by default)
Host name and port of the proxy server.
Proxy UserID and Password (empty by default)
If not empty, use these credentials as UserID and Password
for Proxy specified.
SMTP Server (empty by default)
IP name or address of SMTP server that is used to send emails.
SMTP Port (empty by default)
Port on SMTP server that is used to send emails.
Default values:
SMTP over TLS - 587
SMTP over SSL - 465
Unsecured SMTP -25
SMTP UserID and Password (empty by default)
If your SMTP server requires authentication, specify your credentials here.
Sender's Email (empty by default)
E-mail address of the sender that GoodSync will use when sending email.
Secure SMTP submit over SSL (unchecked by default)
If checked, connect to SMTP server and switch to Secure SSL mode without negotiation.
If not checked, use plain text communication.
Secure SMTP submit using STARTTLS (unchecked by default)
If checked, issue STARTTLS to request switch to Secure SSL mode, then switch to SSL/TLS mode if server agrees.
If not checked, use plain text communication.
SMTP server =
SMTP port = 587
User Name =
Password = yourpassword
Sender's email =
Secure SMTP submit using STARTTLS = checked