Special operations can be performed for jobs to accomplish a number of exotic actions (described below). These are primarily used for error resolution and/or cleanup.
When viewing a job, click on the "SPECIAL OPS" option at top-right.
A prompt will appear that will allow you to select the Special Operation to perform, as well as the runner that you would like to issue the operation.
The following options are available for special operation:
Delete State Files
Delete GoodSync state files on both sides of this Job. If the state file becomes corrupted, this special operation may be used to clear the job run.
Delete Recycled
Delete recycled files located in folder _gsdata_\_saved_ and
history files located in folder _gsdata_\_history_ .
Cleanup Recycled
Cleanup _saved_ and/or _history_ folders: delete any files that are older than the prescribed time (one month by default).
Delete GS Data
Delete GoodSync _gsdata_ folder and all files contained in them on either side or both.
Removes everything removed by 'Delete Recycled' and 'Delete State Files', plus all job log files.