GoodSync can be configured to establish connections using a proxy. Follow the steps below to configure your proxy options.
GoodSync for Windows
1) Open the GoodSync application.
2) Select "Tools" >> "Program Options…" from the main menu.
3) Select "Proxy" from the column on the left.
4) Select the proxy mode you want to use. GoodSync provides two options:
– Use Proxy server used by Internet Explorer for remote connections: If this option is selected, GoodSync will use the same proxy server that Internet Explorer and WinINET use. It is configured through the Control Panel >> "Network and Internet" >> "Internet Options" >> "Connections" >> "LAN settings."
– Use this Proxy server for remote connections: If this option is selected, GoodSync will use the proxy server settings specified below in the "Proxy" section. Input your Proxy server address, port, User ID, and Password.
After configuring the proxy, you may wish to test it by clicking the "Test" button.
You may also specify an FTP proxy. For that, input the FTP proxy server address and port in the corresponding fields in the "FTP Proxy" section.
Finally, click "Save" to apply the changes.
GoodSync for Mac
1) Open the GoodSync application.
2) Select "GoodSync" >> "Preferences…" from the Menu Bar.
3) Select "Proxy" from the column on the left.
4) Select the proxy mode you want to use. GoodSync provides two options:
– Use Proxy server used by Internet Explorer for remote connections: If this option is selected, GoodSync will use your Mac's system proxy settings. These are configured through the "System Settings" >> "Network" >> "[Choose network service]" >> "Details…" >> "Proxies."
– Use this Proxy server for remote connections: If this option is selected, GoodSync will use the proxy server settings specified below in the "Proxy" section. Input your Proxy server address, port, User ID, and Password.
After configuring the proxy, you may wish to test it by clicking the "Test" button.
You may also specify an FTP proxy. For that, input the FTP proxy server address and port in the corresponding fields in the "FTP Proxy" section.
Finally, click "Save" to apply the changes.
Overview of the proxy settings
The following options apply to both GoodSync for Windows and GoodSync for Mac unless noted otherwise.
Proxy mode
– Do not use Proxy server. Do not use a proxy in GoodSync.
– Use Proxy server used by Internet Explorer for remote connections (selected by default). If this option is selected, GoodSync will use the system proxy settings.
On Windows, it is the proxy server that Internet Explorer and WinINET use. It is configured through the Control Panel >> "Network and Internet" >> "Internet Options" >> "Connections" >> "LAN settings."
On Mac, it is the proxy server configured through the "System Settings" >> "Network" >> "[Choose network service]" >> "Details…" >> "Proxies."
– Use this Proxy server for remote connections. Use the proxy server defined by the settings specified below in the "Proxy" section.
Proxy Server and Port (empty by default)
Server: The IP address or name of the Proxy server.
NOTE: If using a SOCKS5 proxy server, prepend the server address or name with "socks5://".
Port: The port on the Proxy server.
Proxy UserID and Password (empty by default)
If your Proxy server requires authentication, specify your credentials here.
FTP Proxy Server and Port (empty by default)
To use a proxy for FTP connections, specify the Proxy server address or name and Proxy port here.
Trust System Root Certification Authorities (checked by default)
This option allows third-party programs (such as anti-virus programs) to listen in on GoodSync communications over TLS if they add their certificate to systems storage.