First, make sure you have downloaded the appropriate installer for your Linux environment. If you have not downloaded the installer yet, you may do so here.
You will also need a GoodSync Account to activate your installation. If you do not yet have a GoodSync Account, you can review the tutorial for account creation.
Finally, make sure that you have added your purchased licenses to your GoodSync Account so that they may be used for activation. If you have not yet added licenses to your account, click here for a tutorial.
NOTE: You must have sudo permissions to complete the following steps.
1) After downloading the installer, grant the installer execution permissions by running the command below:
chmod +x
Once permissions have been granted, run the installer by typing "./" followed by the installer name:
2) Press Enter to select the default values for "Installation directory" and "Server resource directory."
Enter "y" for "Do you want to run GoodSync Connect Setup." Enter the email and password of your GoodSync Account.
Select "y" for "Generate new GoodSync Connect certificate for server" and "Enable GsServer Web UI on port 11000." Press Enter to select the default value for "Server log directory."
3) Enter "y" for "Do you want to configure GsServer service (run as daemon)" and press Enter to select the default value for "System User ID." Installation is now complete.
4) To confirm if the installation is configured correctly for activation, run the following command:
netstat -plnt
You should see entries for "" and "". If you see entries for "" and "", the installation was not configured successfully.
5) Next, enter the following command to enroll your GoodSync Account to this device:
gsync /
where "" is your GoodSync Account email.
Enter "y" for "Do you want to update gs-server configuration" and authenticate with your user account.
6) Finally, enter this command to activate the installation with the licenses in your GoodSync Account:
gsync /activate
Enter "y" for "Do you want to restart gs-server" and authenticate with your user account.
To confirm that the installation is activated, you may use the following command:
gsync /version
A value will show in the "License" field for the appropriate license.