GoodSync Connect allows you to connect multiple devices to one GoodSync Account. That makes backing up any data from those devices easy.
Follow the steps below to add your Android device to a GoodSync Account and create a photo backup from that device.
Adding your Android device to GoodSync Connect
1) On your Android device, download and install GoodSync from the Google Play Store.
NOTE: For instructions on downloading, installing, and initial setup of GoodSync on Android, click this link.
2) After downloading, installing, and performing the initial setup, open the GoodSync app. Tap the "Server" tab at the bottom of the screen.
3) Tap the blue "Start" button at the bottom of the screen.
4) Once you see "Now you can connect to this device from your desktop computer using GoodSync" at the center of the app screen, the server has been successfully started. Your Android device is now reachable via GoodSync Connect.
Backing up photos from your Android device
If you haven't already, download and install GoodSync on your computer.
Now that you have registered your Android device with the GoodSync Account and run the server, you can switch to your desktop installation of GoodSync to finish configuring the backup.
1) In the "Job" menu, select "New" or click the "New Job" button in the toolbar.
2) In the New GoodSync Job prompt, enter the name of your new Job.
Then, select "Backup" or "Synchronize" as your Job type.
Click the "OK" button when done.
3) Click the left or right sync folder controls to view the files and folders available for selection.
4) On the left side, select "GoodSync Connect," click your GoodSync Account, and click the name of your Android device.
Select the "Photos" folder or whichever folder holds the data on the device you wish to back up.
On the right side, select the folder you wish to back up that data to.
Then, click the green "Apply" button.
5) Click the "Options" button in the toolbar or right-click the Job and select "Options."
6) From the column on the left, select the options for the side of the Android device. In this case, the Left Side.
Check the box marked "No _gsdata_ folder here."
Then, click the "Save" button at the bottom right of the window.
You will be prompted to confirm this action. Click "Yes" on this prompt.
7) Click "Analyze" to see the proposed changes.
8) Click "Sync" to make the proposed changes.
9) Once you see the equals sign between the left and right folders, your backup Job is complete.
NOTE: To configure the job with automation or other settings, click here.