The following will detail the steps to set up a Windows user to the Control Center.
Download the Control Center installer for Windows here:
Navigate to and log in to your company.
Reference your Company ID in the Settings tab of your Control Center. This will allow the installer to point to your particular Control Center instance for connection.
Open a command prompt and navigate to the folder where the installer is downloaded. By default, this will typically be in the Downloads folder. The “cd” command can be used to move through your directory structure.
There are two approaches to user setup:
1) User space - the runner will run only while the user is logged on. This can be used for easy mass deployment, as it will not require the Windows user account password.
2) Service - the runner will run even if the user is logged off. This cannot be used for mass deployment, as it will require the Windows user account password.
Example of user space setup (can be used for mass deployment)
If using our Control Center (, use the following command:
- Prior to using New Scheme 3.2: Account Sync + Control Center
- GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=user /cc-coid=11 /S
- GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=user /cc-coid=11 /S
- Using New Scheme 3.2: Account Sync + Control Center
- GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=user /cc-coid=11 /gs-userid=company-domain-com /gs-pwd= /S
If using your own self-hosted Control Center, add the /cc-url flag to point to the IP of your self-hosted environment:
GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=user /cc-coid=11 /cc-url= /S
NOTE: the "user" value in /cc-runner=user is not to be replaced with an actual username. E.g. /cc-runner=john is incorrect.
Example of service setup (cannot be used for mass deployment)
If using our Control Center (, use the following command:
GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=service /cc-coid=1 /sys-userid=admin /sys-passwd=123password /S
If using your own self-hosted Control Center, add the /cc-url flag to point to the IP of your self-hosted environment:
GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=service /cc-coid=11 /sys-userid=admin /sys-passwd=123password /cc-url= /S
Parameters and Options
- /gs-userid= Tells the Runner which GoodSync account to use (required if Account Sync is set).
- /gs-pwd=Tells the Runner password for the GoodSync account used (required if Account Sync is set)
- /cc-runner=user Specifies that you want to install User-Space GS CC Runner.
- /cc-runner=service Specifies that you want to install Service-based GS CC Runner.
- /cc-coid=CompanyId sets your Company ID, found on the Settings page on the Control Center UI.
- /mini-progress=yes|no Show (or not) Mini Progress popup that shows the status of Jobs run by gs-runner.
- /user-close=yes|no Allow User (or not) to close gs-runner via its Taskbar icon or MiniProgress popup.
- /sys-userid=Windows User is Windows User, under which Gs Runner service will run.
- /sys-passwd=Windows Password is a password of this Windows User.
- /cc-url=ServerUrl sets the CC Server from which this Runner gets Jobs, default (only required for self-hosted Control Center)
- /cc-copin=digit-PIN If a Company PIN is set in Control Center, runners must provide correct pin to connect.
- /cc-acct-pwd=password sets Accounts Encryption Password, used to Decrypt Account in Runner.
- /cc-allow-bad-certs Allow CC Runner to talk to CC Server that shows Self-Signed Cert (TLS/SSL).
- /S means run installer in silent mode, without any GUI.
The "/S" flag allows setup to install “silently,” requiring no interactive session from the user. This allows it to function as an MSI for silent install and mass deployment.
For mass deployment to all or a batch of clients, the same user space setup command - using the "cc-runner=user" flag - may be used for all devices (and pushed via GPO, scheduled task, etc.).
After initial install, the runner will create its own startup task, so this command only needs to run once for all devices.
Example of a scheduled task:
GoodSync-vsub-CC-Runner-Setup.exe /cc-runner=user /cc-coid=1109 /S
Where “1109” is your particular company ID.
Once setup is complete, navigate to your Runners tab in the Control Center. There you will see the device listed.
Click the checkbox under “Is Authorized” and Save Changes.
You have now successfully connected a Windows computer to Control Center.