- Gsync Runner (Service)
- Run Options
- Activation of Command Line License
- Global Program Options
- Job Commands
- Job Options
- Connectoid Options
- General Options
- Filter Options
- Auto Options
- Script Options
- Advanced Options Sync Time
- Advanced Options Analyze Time
- Side Options
GSYNC is the command line version of GoodSync. It is ideal for calling from batch files and other programs. It is also the standard version for Linux environments.
Command line call has this general format:
gsync [<global-option>] <command> <command-options>
GSYNC runs all jobs specified in the command line sequentially,
in the order in which jobs appear in Job List.
Log files are written to stdout.
gsync /runner models behavior of the GUI GoodSync, as it relates to Auto jobs:
- It starts and runs all jobs that are in Auto Mode, such as On File Change jobs.
- It does not show any GUI, so job results become known through global and job logs.
- It does not consume any graphical resources, as it runs as a pure command line process.
- To terminate Gsync Runner, send CTRL+C to its console.
- If /runner option is not specified, then regular gsync options (listed below) apply.
Gsync Runner (Service)
New in ver 9.9.56 and 10.0.24.
gsync /runner-service=(profile-folder-path) does the same thing as 'gsync /runner', only:
- It runs in Windows Service or MacOS launched process,
- Do Not start 'gsync /runner-service' manually; it is done only by OS means.
- In Windows, if you have Unattended Jobs, they are run in Gsync Runner Service
- Runner Service is created when you put the first job into Unattended Auto mode.
- Runner Service runs your jobs even when you are logged off from the computer.
- To take a job away from Runner Service and back into GUI GoodSync, uncheck the Unattended box in Job Options.
Run Options
GoodSync Profile folder -- a folder from which GoodSync reads job list file, global options file, and to which it writes global logs.
If not specified, profile folder is 'C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Roaming\GoodSync' on Windows 7/8 or 'C:\Documents and Settings\User Name\Application Data\GoodSync' on Windows XP.
On UNIX systems profile folder defaults to ~/.goodsync
Path should be an absolute path on local computer.
If defined then load Job List and Global Options from the specified file in TIC or TIX format, depending on file extension.
If not defined then load job list from file jobs.tic in the profile folder.
If set to yes, then save options that have default value, when saving in TIX format.
If set to no, then do not write out options that have default value, for shorter TIX file.
Write global log to <log-folder>.
If not specified, write global log to profile folder.
Path should be an absolute path on local computer.
Set log level to N (number from 1 to 3).
0 -- critical messages (job start and stop),
1 -- error messages
2 -- informational messages (default level)
3 -- detailed messages
9 -- no log at all.
If set then check whether this GSYNC version is current, report to stdout.
If set then show current license and exit.
Show progress messages when downloading or uploading files.
Default: No.
Print List of changes detected by Analyze to the log.
/cleanup=yes|no (default: yes)
If set to 'yes' then clean up old log files and temporary files when GSYNC starts.
If set to 'no' then do not perform cleanup when GSYNC starts.
Old log files are defined as log files that are older than the number of days to retain the logs option.
You should use this option only if there is no other GoodSync or GSYNC processes running on this computer, as this option deletes all qualifying log and temp files, including that of other running Goodsyncs.
If set to 'yes' then override lock files on Analyze.
Lock file is created in sync folder by a running Sync job and it is deleted when the job finishes.
Default: No.
Activation of Command Line License
Use these command line options to activate GSYNC license.
This is the only way to activate GoodSync on Linux, as there is no GUI version.
/username="John Smith"
If /orderid and /username options are specified then GoodSync Pro is automatically activated upon install using the specified OrderID and User Name. Note that this is online activation, so GoodSync.exe should be able to get to www.goodsync.com.
By default, standard browser proxy is used.
You can set proxy authentication or use different proxy by setting these options:
Use WinInet proxy (the one used by Internet Explorer).
Use proxy server set here by IP address or name, negates /proxy-auto option.
Use this port on the proxy server specified in /proxy-host.
UserID for proxy, both manual and auto.
Password for proxy, both manual and auto.
Global Program Options
These commands modify Program Option, which are shown by GUI in Tools -> Program Options.
Show system tray icon. Default: yes.
Applies to Windows GUI only.
Closing GoodSync causes its minimization to system tray. Default: no.
Applies to Windows GUI only.
Check for New Version from time to time. Default: yes.
Auto-hide mini-window when there is no job activity. Default: yes.
Applies to Windows GUI only.
Warn about file/folder modification time being out of range. Default: no.
Maximal number of Auto-mode jobs to be run in parallel. Default: 1.
Quant (in seconds) used in starting Auto jobs. Default: 3.
Use this program to compare two files diff style when user selects Compare from item context menu.
If nothing is specified then UNIX diff is used.
Applies to Windows GUI only.
** Log Options
Number of days for which old logs are retained. Default: 7.
Group similar log lines. Default: yes.
** Proxy Options
Use WinInet proxy (the one used by Internet Explorer).
Use proxy server set here by IP address or name, negates /proxy-auto option.
Use this port on the proxy server specified in /proxy-host.
UserID for proxy, both manual and auto.
Password for proxy, both manual and auto.
** SMTP Options
Use SMTP server set here by IP address or name.
Use this port on the SMTP server specified in /smtp-host.
Use SSL-encrypted connection when submitting email to SMTP server.
Use STARTTLS to switch to encrypted connection when submitting email to SMTP server.
UserID for SMTP server.
Password for SMTP server.
Sender of Emails: "email@company.com" or "FirstName LastName <email@company.com>".
Job Commands
analyze /all
Analyze all jobs.
analyze <job-list>
Analyze listed jobs, job names are separated by space.
Job names containing spaces must be enclosed in quotes like this: "Job Name"
sync /all
Synchronize all jobs.
sync <job-list>
Sync listed jobs, job names are separated by space.
Job names containing spaces must be enclosed in quotes like this: "Job Name"
job-tmp <job-name> [<job-options>]
Create a temporary job with specified job options and Analyze/Sync it.
This job is never added to the list of jobs and it exists only in memory during execution.
job <job-name> [<job-options>]
Create a new job or update an existing job with specified job options.
job-new <job-name> [<job-options>]
Create a job with specified job options.
job-update <job-name> [<job-options>]
Change specified options in the existing job.
job-delete <job-name>
Delete existing job.
Job Options
Analyze Job after it has been created or updated.
Analyze and Sync Job after it has been created or updated.
Connectoid Options
Correct combinations are:
/fN=URL | URL + Connectoid defined here in command line, NOT looked up Account Manager |
/uN=URL /nN=AccountName | URL + Connectoid, looked up in Account Manager, by AccountName |
/uN=URL /kN=AccountKey | URL + Connectoid, looked up in Account Manager, by AccountKey |
Left sync folder.
Full Folder Path should be in one of these formats:
Use quotes around paths with spaces.
Right sync folder.
For Full Folder Path format see the above item.
Left sync folder URL, look it up in Account Manager.
Right sync folder URL, look it up in Account Manager.
Left sync folder Account Key, look up Account by it. Requires /u1.
Right sync folder Account Key, look up Account by it. Requires /u2.
Left sync folder Account Name, look up Account by it. Requires /u1.
Left sync folder Account Name, look up Account by it. Requires /u2.
UserID for left sync folder.
UserID for right sync folder.
Password for left sync folder, clear text.
Password for right sync folder, clear text.
Password for left sync folder, pre-encrypted.
Password for right sync folder, pre-encrypted.
This should be treated as a FAT file system, with 1-hour seasonal time shift, even though it does not report itself to be FAT. May be needed for NAS devices that misreport their FAT disks as NTFS.
Compress files in the left (right) sync folder using NTFS compressed files.
Uncompress files in the left (right) sync folder, if they were compressed by NTFS.
Do not check SSL server certificates for left (right) folder.
Use proxy to connect to the left (right) folder.
Use WinInet implementation of the file system in the left (right) for DAV, S3, FTP.
UTF-8 encoding (No: ANSI) for left (right) folder.
Use host-based addressing (S3).
Use reduced redundancy bucket (S3).
Use server side encryption (S3).
Pre-cooked access policy for left (right) folder (S3).
Show native Google Docs/Drive files, by converting them to external format. This makes Analyze and Sync run very slow, as even Analyze of a native file requires to convert it. (GDocs)
Active FTP mode (No: passive) for left (right) folder.
Use MDTM command for left (right) FTP folder.
Use MLSD command for left (right) FTP folder.
Implicit FTPS mode (No: Explicit mode) for the left (right) folder.
SFTP private key file absolute path, for left (right) sync folder.
WebDAV/GSTP private certificate file absolute path, for left (right) sync folder.
General Options
/dir=2way | ltor | rtol
Job direction: 2-way, Left to Right (ltor), or Right to Left (rtol).
Propagate Deletions option.
Show Balloon option.
Create job sync folder(s) if not found. Default: no.
Saved files overwritten or deleted by GoodSync to _gsdata_\_saved_ folder.
Only one last version of the file is saved.
Whether to cleanup Previous File Version.
Number of days for which to keep Previous File Version.
Saved past versions of file overwritten or deleted by GoodSync to _gsdata_\_history_ folder.
Many file versions are saved, one per every overwrite or delete of the file.
Whether to cleanup Past File Versions.
Number of days for which to keep Past File Versions.
Whether to cleanup old generations of files and folders.
Number of months for which to keep old generations.
Number of seconds for Reconnect Attempts.
Run parallel worker threads when doing Sync.
Number of worker thread to execute in parallel on Sync.
File Copy Speed Limit in Kb/sec.
Filter Options
Exclude filter.
File Mask is a |-separated list of patterns such as *.obj or \folder\file.
Several /exclude options may be provided, their values will be glued together, separated by '|'.
Include filter.
File Mask is a |-separated list of patterns such as *.obj or \folder\file.
Several /exclude options may be provided, their values will be glued together, separated by '|'.
Exclude Empty Folder option.
Exclude Hidden Files and Folders option.
Exclude System Files and Folders option.
Auto Options
Automatically Analyze/Sync on Start of GoodSync.
On Start delay in seconds.
Automatically Analyze/Sync on Folder Connect.
Automatically Analyze/Sync on any File Change inside local sync folders.
Automatically Sync on Schedule.
/schedule-min=list-of-number-ranges (0 to 59)
Minutes on which to run in /on-schedule.
/schedule-hour=list-of-number-ranges (0 to 23)
Hours on which to run in /on-schedule.
/schedule-day=list-of-number-ranges (1 to 31)
Days Of Month on which to run in /on-schedule.
/schedule-month=list-of-number-ranges (1 to 12)
Months on which to run in /on-schedule.
/schedule-dow=list-of-number-ranges (0=Sun to 6=Sat)
Days Of Week on which to run in /on-schedule.
Automatically Sync on Logoff from Windows account.
Automatically Analyze/Sync on Timer (every N minutes).
Timer period in minutes for /on-timer option.
Run Job Without User Interface (Unattended).
No Sync If Too Many Files Changed option.
NN is a number from 0 to 100.
Auto-Resolve Conflicts option: No Copy, Left wins, Right wins, Newer wins.
Rename losing file in the conflict, instead of deleting it.
Wait for Locks, instead of producing error.
Waiting period for Wait for Locks, in minutes.
Auto Clear tree after Sync.
Script Options
Pre Analyze Program.
Post Analyze Email or Program.
Post Sync Email or Program.
Advanced Options Sync Time
Copy File/Folder creation time.
Copy Attributes (a la rwx).
Copy File Owner: not needed if Copy ACL is On.
Copy ACL security attributes.
Copy Extended Attributes (MAC only).
Move Mode: Delete Source Files after Copy.
Move Mode: Delete Empty Source Folders after Copy.
Copy Locked Files using Shadow Copy Service.
Uber-unlocked mode for files being read.
Retry file sync if source file changes during Sync.
Advanced Options Analyze Time
Compare MD5 checksums in Analyze, for all files.
Detect File and Folder Moves and Renames, instead of doing Copy + Delete.
Estimate Required Free Space needed for Sync.
Folder symbolic links processing mode.
Produce Conflict when GS encounters different files not seen before.
Side Options
Compare Checksums of files on this side.
Compare Attributes (Permissions) of files/folders on this side.
Compare Owner of files/folders on this side.
Compare ACL of files/folders on this side.
Compare Extended Attributes of files/folders on this side.
No _GSDATA_ folder on this side.
No ListDir, trust state file on this side.
Use / Not Use temp files when uploading file to this side.
Encrypt file bodies on this side.
Encrypt file paths on this side.
Encryption password for file paths / bodies.