GoodSync Server for QNAP NAS allows you to install GoodSync directly on your QNAP for fast, efficient replication:
- you do not need a separate computer to get to files on the NAS via SMB.
- supports block-level delta copy.
- upload and download are much faster as there is no SMB overhead.
Installation Instructions
1) Download one of the installer files to your Download folder:
Login into your QNAP Web GUI:
where 192.168.1.NNN is the local IP address of your NAS.
2) Start AppCenter.
If installed, remove (uninstall) the previous gs-server app.
3) Click Settings and go to the Install Manually tab.
4) Click Browse... and Select *.qpkg file from your Downloads folder.
5) Click Install and GoodSync server will be installed and started.
6) Connect to GoodSync Server by typing into your browser:
where 192.168.1.NN is the local net IP address of your QNAP NAS.
You will see the initial setup dialog of GoodSync Server.
7) Enter your existing GoodSync Connect UserID and Password to set this NAS to listen for connections.
If you do not have an existing GoodSync Connect account, you may create one here:
Now your NAS will be discoverable by other devices using GoodSync Connect.