If you haven't already, download and install GoodSync.
NOTE: You will need an application key for GoodSync to access your Backblaze B2 storage. For instructions on how to generate it, go to the bottom of this page.
With GoodSync, you can back up and sync to and from your Backblaze B2 cloud storage. To do so, follow these steps:
1) Open GoodSync and click the "New Job" button in the toolbar, or, in the "Job" menu, select "New."
2) In the New GoodSync Job prompt, enter the name of your new Job. Then, select "Backup" or "Synchronize" as your Job type.
Click the "OK" button when done.
3) Click the left or right sync folder controls to view the files and folders available for selection.
4) Scroll down, and select "Backblaze B2" from the list of supported services on either side.
5) A window will appear, prompting you to authorize GoodSync to access your Backblaze B2 account.
In the "B2 Account ID or Application Key ID" field under "Credentials," enter the "keyID" as it appears in your Backblaze B2 account when generated.
In the "B2 Application Key" field under "Credentials," enter the "applicationKey" as it appears in your Backblaze B2 account when generated.
Then, click the "Save" button.
6) After permission is given to GoodSync, your Backblaze B2 storage content will be shown within the GoodSync interface.
7) Select a folder that contains the data you wish to back up or sync on the left side.
On the right side, click "Backblaze B2" and select or create a bucket, then select or create a folder within the bucket that you wish to back up or sync to.
Then, click the green "Apply" button.
8) Your Job is now ready to Analyze and Sync.
How to obtain a Backblaze B2 application key
1) Log in to your Backblaze B2 account.
2) Click "My Account" in the upper right corner, then click "App Keys" from the left menu.
3) Scroll down, and click "Add a New Application Key."
4) In the "Name of Key" field, input the name of your new application key.
Select the bucket you wish to use with the key from the "Allow access to Bucket(s)" list.
Next, select the "Type of Access" you wish to set for the application key. "Read and Write" is recommended.
Finally, click the "Create New Key" button.
5) You will see your new application key. The "keyID" and "applicationKey" for use in GoodSync will be listed.