If you haven't already, download and install GoodSync.
GoodSync Connect allows users to connect two devices directly in a peer-to-peer (P2P) fashion without using intermediate servers to store files. That increases the speed of file transfer and enhances the privacy of your files by not storing them on 3rd-party servers.
With GoodSync Connect, you can back up and sync to and from any device (computer) registered with your GoodSync Account.
NOTE: Learn more about GoodSync Connect, its features, and capabilities from the GoodSync Connect Manual.
Follow these steps to synchronize two computers using GoodSync Connect:
Step 1. Enroll computers in the GoodSync Account
To get computers synchronized via GoodSync Connect, both must be enrolled in the same GoodSync Account. Perform the following steps on each computer to register it with your Account:
1) Open GoodSync and use the "Tools" >> "GoodSync Account Setup" menu item. (On Mac, "GoodSync" >> "GoodSync Account Setup" menu item).
2) Input the Email and Password of your GoodSync Account.
If you logged in with that GoodSync Account previously, the corresponding fields will be prefilled.
Click the "Log In" button.
3) Specify a recognizable Computer Name and check the "Serve files to other devices" option.
Based on the "Serve files to other devices" setting specified during GoodSync Account Setup, GoodSync will act on this computer either as a server or a client:
"Serve files to other devices" unchecked (Client): GoodSync installed on this computer can make outgoing requests only and cannot accept incoming requests.
Not checking the "Serve files to other devices" option from the computer makes sense only if you do not want other devices to have access to files of this computer.
"Serve files to other devices" checked (Server): GoodSync installed on this computer can accept incoming requests. You can access data located on the computer from GoodSync installed on other devices via GoodSync Connect.
Click "Next" to continue.
4) Once the GoodSync Account Setup is complete and the computer is enrolled in the Account, you will see the "Account Setup Completed" confirmation.
Click "Close" to finish.
Step 2. Set up a GoodSync job
1) On one of the computers, in the GoodSync application, click the "New Job" button in the toolbar, or, in the "Job" menu, select "New."
NOTE: You can select and modify an existing GoodSync job instead of creating a new one. In this case, skip to Step 3.
2) In the "New GoodSync Job" prompt, enter the name of your new Job. Then, select "Backup" or "Synchronize" as your Job type.
Click the "OK" button when done.
3) Click the left or right sync folder controls to view the files and folders available for selection.
4) Scroll down and select the "GoodSync Connect" file system.
Drill down to the GoodSync Connect Account, shown as your Email on this Account.
GoodSync will show all computers registered in your Account having the "Serve files to other devices" option turned on.
5) Click on the computer you wish to synchronize to and select a folder from its file system.
Select your source/destination folder on the opposite side.
Then, click the green "Apply" button.
6) Your Job is now ready to Analyze and Sync.